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AVCon 2024

Adelaide's Anime & Video Game Festival 2024

AVCon 2024 was an exciting and fresh opportunity for the team.
While we displayed at last year's event, this year had a new venue, as well as our first chance to show Project: NOVA to the public.

On June 29th - 30th we showed off our new game and had a really positive reception from experienced VR users and first-timers alike!

It was a really awesome time and we implemented some new things that we'd learnt from previous events, like having physical signs for controls and restrictions, which helped us when it came to explaining things and moved everything along quite smoothly.
We also learnt from SAGE earlier this year that we needed to be way more on top of photos and videos, so below you'll find a bunch of pics and footage from over the weekend!

Here's to the next event!!

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